How to Contact PC Matic Customer Service?

Learn how to contact PC Matic customer service effortlessly. Follow our step-by-step guide to get in touch with PC Matic support for assistance with your PC protection needs.
Updated 4 weeks ago

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PC Matic is a popular antivirus and security software known for its comprehensive protection features and ease of use. Like any other software, users may occasionally face issues or have queries that require assistance from customer service. This article will guide you through the various ways to contact PC Matic customer service to ensure you get the help you need promptly and efficiently.

Ways to Contact PC Matic Customer Service

PC Matic offers multiple ways to get in touch with their customer service team. You can reach out via email, live chat, phone, online support portal, social media, and their community forum. Choosing the right method depends on your preference and the urgency of your issue.

Contacting PC Matic via Email

Steps to Send an Email

  1. Open Your Email Client: Use any email service like Gmail, Outlook, etc.
  2. Compose a New Email: Click on ‘Compose’ or ‘New Email.’
  3. Address the Email: Send it to the official PC Matic support email address (found on their website).
  4. Subject Line: Clearly state your issue, e.g., “Problem with PC Matic Installation.”
  5. Body of the Email: Describe your problem in detail, including any error messages.
  6. Send the Email: Click ‘Send’ and wait for a response.

Expected Response Time

PC Matic usually responds within 24-48 hours. However, during peak times, it might take longer.

Tips for Effective Communication

  • Be clear and concise.
  • Include screenshots if possible.
  • Mention any troubleshooting steps you’ve already taken.

Using PC Matic's Live Chat Support

How to Access Live Chat

  1. Visit the PC Matic Website: Go to the official site.
  2. Navigate to Support: Find the support section.
  3. Click on Live Chat: Look for the live chat option and click to start.

Advantages of Live Chat

  • Immediate assistance.
  • Real-time troubleshooting.
  • Ability to share files and screenshots.

Phone Support from PC Matic

Contact Numbers

Find the official support phone number on the PC Matic website.

Best Time to Call

PC Matic’s phone support is typically available during business hours. Early mornings and late afternoons often have shorter wait times.

Information to Have Ready

  • Your PC Matic account details.
  • A clear description of your issue.
  • Any error codes or messages.

PC Matic's Online Support Portal

Navigating the Support Portal

  1. Visit the PC Matic Website: Go to the support section.
  2. Log In: Use your account credentials.
  3. Browse the Knowledge Base: Search for articles related to your issue.

Troubleshooting Common Issues Before Contacting Support

Basic Troubleshooting Steps

  • Restart your computer.
  • Check for updates.
  • Reinstall PC Matic.


Contacting PC Matic customer service is straightforward and can resolve a variety of issues you might face with their software. Whether through email, phone, live chat, or their support portal, there are multiple ways to get the help you need.

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